Monday, December 14, 2009

I am really horrible at keeping up with this 'blogging'. Even with an app on my phone. Seems like Hunter, work, other work, and baby expo take up most of my time. I need an app for this.

I have been stretching my crafting muscles a lot lately again. It feels good to be back in it again. My Cutie~Punktootie line should be launched soon (which will be available at Most everything has been made, I just need to get away from my new addiction to find the time to put finishing touches on and get on taking pictures. This leads me to my new addiction, felt food making, felt ANYTHING making. I am obsessed! It all started when I was at a friends house and saw an adorable hand crafted felt pear. I instantly fell in love, and knew Hunter just NEEDED play felt food. Now after just a few weeks I have a large basket filling up fast of all different types of fruits and vegetables ready to be stuffed in his stocking. I have been trying to master the pocket gnome as well, and a possibly pocket gnome taggie (So cute! Just need to get my proportions right). Tomorrow I will tackle cupcakes again and see if the new pattern I found today will work better than the previous. The only thing I wish to help this addiction, is that wool felt was more readily available around here. I would so love to make everything out of the wool felt, but due to high costs and low availability I will be sticking with regular except for special requests. (If you have any great sites, let me know!)

Other than that, work is good, baby expo is almost full and getting closer by the day, and WOW, I am almost 19 weeks pregnant already! Almost half way! I find out the sex in 3 days and can't wait.

I think that is all I have to update today. Not very exciting right? I am sure I will come up with more interesting 'blogging' soon. Maybe. No promises :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

They really do pay attention!

It's amazing what your child can learn. I love teaching my baby sign language classes so much. It's so rewarding seeing how excited moms are when they come to class and share the news of a new sign their child has picked up.
Lately we have been discussing when a baby will start signing a new word out of the blue, one that maybe you never really focused on. It happens quite alot! DS has done this quite a few times now. We have always picked a few signs to focus on while still adding in those extra signs throughout the day. Apple was always one of those added in ones. We never really focused on it, and yet while reading one of our favorite (very repetitive) stories, 'Orange Pear Apple Bear' there he went! Just all of the sudden signing apple! Such a bright boy, it makes me so proud. I would also like to thank apple season, and Hunters new found love for them :)

Just goes to show you, your kids pay more attention to you than you think! They will always be surprising you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My baby boy won first place in the dundas cactus festival babu contest for his category today! It was all just for fun, but I so so proud! I likes how this one judged on looks, personality and development not costumes. It was nice to see today that no babies were there all made up!

Even though it was all just for fun my stomach was still in knots! First third place was called then second, I really didn't expect it and it seemed to take a secon to register when they called his name. So fun!
He is pretty much the cutest ever if I may say so myself!

Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


No matter how many times I try I have such a hard time keeping up with my blogging. Maybe that will change now with my new iPhone App. I can now blog and add pictures to both blogspot and livejournal right from my phone! Let's see if this will help. I'm sure everyone is just dying without my posts (lol I kid, I kid!)


My baby boys first birthday has now come and gone. What a year! How much he has changed; how much I have changed! It's been an amazing year. The first smile. The first day crawling. So much to look back on in what seems to be such a short short time.

I need to start keeping track of all those words and signs he is saying and doing now. Today was the first day he signed two signs together. I asked him this morning if he was hungry and he signed 'eat' 'banana'!!! What a smartie pants!!

I am looking forward to starting up with the fall classes and meeting all the new moms and babies. Also excited about the new projects and new business ventures. Busy busy mom!

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Do you love your job?

Did you parents ever keep one of those books when you were younger to document your life as a young child? Who your best friends were in each grade, your teachers names, your favorite item and what you wanted to be when you grew up? Did I want to be a cowgirl? An astronaught? A journalist? Not exactly. First and formost it looked like my utmost desire as a child was to be a Mother, and at a close second a Teacher.

I guess now what I look back at that, my dreams have come true. Even with a lack of a college education, or any high paying saught after job, I seemed to have got what I was pining for as a child. Is this where I saw myself a few years ago? A mom yes, but not a teacher. Maybe instructor would be the right word for it, close enough right? Either way, I have come out extremley lucky to be able to be where I am, and do what I love!

There is nothing more rewarding than having a mom email me with a new exciting story of what their baby is now signing. I love hearing stories about how learning sign language has improved on their lifes and made things easier. Its such a great feeling.

I wouldn't trade what I do now for anything :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Contests Yea or Nay?

Since my son was born I have been told to get him into modeling and or baby contests, but have always had hesitation about it. I do think he is a very photogenic, beautiful baby (Okay, so I am a little Bias) We can't go anywhere without people stopping us to see him.

Today we decided to enter him into a Canada Day Baby Contest up at a local festival. Nothing fancy, just put on a simple canada jumper and did his hair a little. Nothing different from everyday garb. We thought it would be something fun to do, and knowing Hunter and his bubbly personality and good looks, he would be sure to win over the judges.

Unfortunately the baby contest today really didn't have anything to do with baby's looks or more importantly baby's personality or development (which most seem to be based on). Today was just based on costume.

Now I am not calling any of these parents 'bad parents', but some of these outfits seemed so over the top, and I wonder if this is something that may affect these kids lives. It seemed like some parents and familys put just a little too much effort into it, putting a lot of pressure on their babies to win! Everything from dyed red hair, to tiaras and sashes, to fancy top hats and elaborate, obviously uncomfortable outfits. I watched as one mom kept trying to put said top hat on her baby's head while she was upset and crying!

I just think that these types of contests should be for fun. I really don't believe in investing that much into it just so you can say your baby got 1st place. Its really not that important!


Monday, June 29, 2009

Well Hi!

Hello world, hello blog!

I guess I will just start off and write a little about myself.
I am 27. I married my wonderful husband in Feb '08. I gave birth to my son Hunter in July '08.

I am a Baby Sign Language instructor with My Smart Hands ( and a body piercer. Couldn't get more opposite right?

I am so in love with being a mom. I knew it would be great, but I don't think I full on understood the way it makes life so fulfilling. Its incredible.

This blog is really just really what it says above in the description. You can't expect too many deep, in depth posts. More just about the little joys, and sorrows that life brings our way as mothers. Pictures, Videos, Recipes and whatever else my heart desires to share with the world.